Saturday, January 25, 2020

White is the New Nigger

Richard Houk in Unz Review:
Do white people deserve to die for uttering the word “nigger”? Blacks, prompted by the mainstream media, increasingly say “Yes.”
We are faced with two groups that are both hostile and adverse to our interests on the whole, with one group attacking whites with a license granted by the other. A video came across my newsfeed with the title “A man gets knocked out after reportedly calling a woman with a child the N-word” (emphasis mine). 
From a similar story out of Virginia: There was some altercation between a white woman and a black man in a 7-Eleven, ending with the black man punching the white mother, killing her. The black man claims she called him a “nigger,” justifying his attack.
What does the law say about this?

Fighting words are not an affirmative legal defense in the US.
You cannot attack a person and escape legal punishment by claiming that your victim uttered so-called fighting words.

This is of course known by the media, yet they are writing these stories and framing the headlines in such a way that gives attackers of white people some sort of pseudo-moral and legal authority to lash out. Or, after attacking a white person, they can simply say they were called a “nigger.”

The paradox here is that if any of the claims were true — that a white person called a black person a “nigger,” and that prompted the black to violently attack the white person — doesn’t that simply prove we are dealing with the genuine article? What else would you call a black person who is impulsive and violent, who is unable to delay gratification or think ahead? Call them what you like, these are brutish traits that have led to massively disproportionate black-on-white crime.
Of the many lies and crimes riding under the banner of civil rights there is one I like to isolate because it gets little appreciation: it is now more a conflict between innate white versus innate black value systems than a genuine political movement. Not a struggle within a democratic system (or the struggle for democracy, as its language maintains) but a struggle between two competing cultural systems, one rooted in African biology and one rooted in European.

Criminality in black America is undoubtedly significantly worse than the numbers say. The sort of beatdown that is routinely administered in the hood would warrant criminal charges for assault in one of the few genuinely white neighborhoods left.

This doesn't mean that if left to their own devices blacks would create chaotic violent societies; more likely the violence would gravitate to a state maintaining order with a cruel, firm hand. Black American society is a perversion, a people put in a system they'd never create for themselves and granted the sort of liberty and license they, as Africans, would never have allowed themselves; all while ultimately having no real group agency, the shock troops of a savvier group in the end.

Still black people, in their oblivious way, are imposing harsher African values over liberal and enlightened European values, with the irreplacable aid of a group that is arguably alien to both.

Cultural precedent is set in the media, which is ultimately upstream of legal precedent. Houk:
What does the law say about this? 
Fighting words are not an affirmative legal defense in the US.

You cannot attack a person and escape legal punishment by claiming that your victim uttered so-called fighting words.

This is of course known by the media, yet they are writing these stories and framing the headlines in such a way that gives attackers of white people some sort of pseudo-moral and legal authority to lash out. Or, after attacking a white person, they can simply say they were called a “nigger.”
Note how this resembles, in mirror image, what the same media would have you believe about "white privilege" and how it persists: a vindictive media lies about black violence and--in critical race theory fantasy--blacks are ultimately convicted of crimes they didn't commit; the reality we see is blacks are getting away with more violence, ultimately because the media lies about it.

The early civil rights assumption blacks would create the same sort of society whites would, that they wanted it, above all that they had it in them in the first place, has been proven horribly, disastrously misguided, and nobody gets to say so.

The fundamental insight of American civil rights is not that the West fails blacks but that blacks fail it. Black Americans never rose to the occasion of civil rights.

As saying so is strictly forbidden, all we can do is adapt to or accommodate black standards of behavior--and pretend the erosion is struggle and progress.

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