Monday, May 13, 2013

Colossus 2013

Revising the monument:

Not like the noble works of Western fame,
Of conquering race astride from land to land,
Here at bloodied, graffitied gates now stands,
A twerking harlot, some father’s shame, to proclaim:
U S for Sale! Comprehensive Plan!
"Yo World; may your spawn slander, reprimand,
My breed, whose bequest, nonetheless, they'll have,
Keep," mumble her collagened lips, "your fit. Pour:
Your aggrieved, those eager to settle scores,
Bloodied hands fleeing their criminal wars,
Bring misogyny, polygamy, crime,
Bring Hate, Greed, 'Vibrancy'; power is  mine!
Hit my cell at the door, for a good time..."


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I get despondent and I wonder if we might not be better off simply bidding farewell to the USA and starting a new country from scratch.

Good job with your blog. You and Anti-Gnostic are great.

Anonymous said...

Bill Buckely wrote: Have You Ever Seen a Dream Walking.

I think you should do: Have You Ever Seen a Harlot Twerking.
My how times change.
I used to think Revelations was kind of extreme, but if one were to imagine what price we might pay for our squanderous squalor ...well ... let the boils begin.


Sanity Fair

"Antifascist" demonstration Portland, Oregon. August 17, 2019.  The two sides squared off across a field, defined by police cord...