Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Outreach, Concluded

Final tally. Dennis as existential stranger.

"Yes. Sexual predators infiltrated the social networking component of the site... "
--"Ryan", The Office


Beef said...

Pearls before swine, or more accurately, before children judging by the comments section.

I think sending your posts into the Slogmire was a great idea. The internet tends toward fostering these extreme gatherings of like-mindedness and insularity. Your pieces are like tossing chunks of anti-matter into a clog in the pipe of ideas. Maybe now the goddamn thing will flush. Or probably not, but a worthwhile exercise nonetheless.

Dennis Dale said...

Call it spelunking.

racketmensch said...

And/but they will miss you when they all go back to discussing hiphop and what they like to put in their drinks. Besides hatin' on the overgeneralized other, there doesn't seem to be any 'there' there. Nietzche gave them the universe, but they don't want to leave their dorm room.

american fez said...

I was amused by some of the comments on your first slog. In the end, however, I was shocked and appalled:
shocked by the bile; appalled that these people apparently cannot follow a simple argument. Your writing style is lucid and not at all obtuse.

Anonymous said...

Great job, your last work on Holder is great. I have always thought that the very last thing they really want is an actual honest conversation about race.

Dennis Dale said...

I think they kept writing "obtuse" when they meant "opaque".

Brent Lane said...

Well, Dennis, I can honestly say that your excursion taught me something valuable: the meaning of "TL;DR".

All this time I thought it meant "Taking Lithium; Didn't React". Based on the commenters on the SLOGosphere, I was sure I was correct.

Dennis Dale said...

Might as well. One definition's good as the other.

Sanity Fair

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