Saturday, March 03, 2018

Frame Game Radio on Torah Talk

Joining us tomorrow on Luke Ford's Torah Talk Live is the video-auteur behind Frame Game Radio on YouTube and Twitter.

9 AM Pacific, noon on the East Coast. Go to Luke's channel, join the chat to ask us questions. Subscribe while you're there. We're getting more viewers all the time and the chat is occasionally brilliant, like the show.

FG's remarkable video on a favorite theme of mine--the betrayal of the Boomers by the Narrative--should be required viewing for everyone over a certain age, or for anyone wondering what it feels like to have come of age before the Poz Age:

Blame the Boomers all you want, but know that they were deceived and betrayed. Being older still myself, I can recall an America that went to the moon and celebrated Daniel Boone as clearly as I can see the present through the film of my tears.
Here's FG on the Megaphone and us.

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