Sunday, January 14, 2018
Luke Ford's Alt Right Torah Talk Live
Greg Conte didn't make it.. Today's Torah portion would have been Parashas Bo (Exodus 10:1 to 13:16), but we didn't get around to it.
Luke's Youtube channel.
First question: Why do we have to take those from the now proverbial shit hole countries?
9:44 Correction: I mis-identified the Episcopalians in Portland as hanging a Black Lives Matter banner. It is the (who else?) Unitarians downtown.
10:30 Casey's religious journey down south and the Protestant poz.
14:18 Casey challenges Luke's Jewish supremacy, invites him to a tradition of radical inclusion and love.
Chat transcript below the fold (Luke is not the guy who hit Dennis up for money).
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying? Trump’s shithole comment and IQ differences
Cristan Aldo if you dont like trump than who voted for hin
Cristan Aldoh im bruhh
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying? dude everyone here agrees with what he said. If you’re a troll, GTFO
mattrins Hi Luke… Open Borders for Israel?
Greg Girardin The current pope is a pathetic shitlib.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying? Casey is right, the Cardinal here in Chicago is just as bad as the Pope,
my priest even tells me to avoid the Archdiocese
Greg Girardin Christianity is not helping to preserve Christendom.
mattrins Greg – agreed. This Pope thinks that the messiah is Karl Marx
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying? based Ann
Greg GirardinYeah mattrins, lots of exploiting Christian morality to open the borders kinda stuff.
Adam Smith Message deleted by Luke Ford.View deleted message Adam Smith was hidden by Luke Ford.
mattrinsI was raised a Catholic. I have had problems with popes before, but never thought that they were actually bad people.
Greg GirardinAnn’s woke on the JQ, the Overton window is narrow when you’re high up in the punditosphere.
Cristan Aldo[message retracted]
mattrinsBut this Pope… terrible
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Francis is at least a Marxist, prob even a heretic
Greg GirardinSame here mattrins, implementing the current pope’s policies would destroy
Christianity… tells you something.
Fitzcarraldo PizzaMessage deleted by Luke Ford.View deleted message
mattrinsI agree with the neoreactionaries in the sense that when peasants were able to read the bible
in their own language rather than through the priestly filter of Latin
mattrinsEvery man became his own determiner of doctrine
Fitzcarraldo PizzaMessage deleted by Luke Ford.View deleted message
mattrinsSo you could have someone questioning the morality of destroying the enemy, for example
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@mattrins Joel Osteen did nothing wrong
Greg GirardinWell the printing press is probably the technology that created Protestantism. I don’t care about that. I care if Christianity is a force for preserving the West.
mattrinsI think we can agree that “Christian Zionism” is an abomination. Hagee’s cult etc
Untethered TubeSeeds of Albion
Greg GirardinTrue mattrins. I wasn’t woke to all this stuff until recently so I only saw Hagee’s
stupidity as “dumb fundy stuff but Israel is a liberal democracy so it’s cool”. Jesus I was uninformed.
mattrinsSpeaking of Jesus
mattrinsJesus needs to be put in context. Once you understand Jesus’ struggle against Jewish power
you will never look at Him the same again
johnnie anonjesus the last good jew
Greg Girardinhaha.. that’s the most Boomer statement ever..
mattrinsSanhedrin = ADL or SPLC
mattrinsExactly the same
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?We tend to blame our parents for everything, but shouldn’t a lot of the blame go to our grandparents, too? They let it happen
Pesh HeadBarry Chamish — it’s the labour zionists fault
mattrinsCan’t blame the boomers because they didn’t do the 1965 immigration act
mattrinsThat was “the greatest generation”, right?
Greg GirardinADL/SPLC/ACLU as the Sanhedrin is an interesting analogy mattrins. I’ll think about that.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@mattrins yup, what a joke
Pesh Headnever mind America, this been going on looong
johnnie anonfree speech pushed degenerate pornography but we werent allowed a rally
mattrinsWhat Luke is talking about is effectively Jesus’ problem with the Jews
mattrinsJesus confronted the dual morality
mattrinsAlso the nascent talmudic theology
Pesh Headhindsight pathologising
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?^ great point, problem is the RCC stopped preaching this after Vatican II
Greg GirardinHoly shit @Luke Ford, that’s the best explanation of the JQ I’ve ever heard.
Pesh Headcos they knew all about the Jews
johnnie anonfuck me youve been doing nothing but try to change america
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Luke Ford Talk about the obvious!
Pesh Headdoesn’t look primitive now does it
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Muslims are the same way, the rules only apply to fellow believers
James EdwardYep the Jews are hiding behind there religion
Greg GirardinGod damn, Luke is dropping steel red pills here.
Pesh HeadAnglos worshipped Jews & they skill got back stabbed
Martin SchulzMessage deleted by Luke Ford.View deleted message
James EdwardGreg. Luke is great. A lot to learn from
mattrinsNothing is new under the sun. Look at past Jewish controversies, and they are no different to the controversies today. Even when Jews blame Christianity for anti-Jewish sentiment, look at pre-
Martin SchulzMessage deleted by Luke Ford.View deleted message
johnnie anonthe goy are racist but we made a religion out of our race
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?this is why we need to renegotiate our contract with Jews, they’re not
holding up their end
mattrinsChristian Rome and see that the pagans Romans also have problems with Jews
mattrinsCicero denounced them
gjjdI think we will need to start banning some people here
James EdwardMartin you get the gas chamber
Pesh Headhistory repeats itself, tragic really
Martin SchulzMessage deleted by Luke Ford.View deleted message Martin Schulz was hidden by
Luke Ford.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@gjjd what’s up brah, cold af these days but I like it
Pesh Headrag trade
James EdwardHahaha crack
Pesh Headwhite slavery
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?it’s too cold for negroes to carjack people
gjjdHi Pepe, I’m doing well, life is simple now that I’m out of school. Did you see the Jewish candidate for AG get jacked during a speech?
Pesh HeadJews stole Hollywood
James EdwardFord hated Jews. Hahah 👍🏻
James EdwardBut he was right.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?no, AG where, in IL?
johnnie anonthey got their revenge with the ford foundation
Pesh Headscrewed over Edison
Untethered Tube The Jews won WWll
James EdwardYep. Sucks.
mattrins@Untethered Tube YES. The only winners of WW2
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Dennis pretty much
gjjd@pepe check out “Candidate for Illinois attorney general robbed at gunpoint”
Greg GirardinNow @Luke Ford is dropping black pills. I’m going to drink beer and watch football.
Pesh HeadSuper Moon great book
gjjdPoor Aaron Goldstein got jumped by some precious yoofs while giving a speech
Pesh Head*Super Mob, sorry
Untethered Tubestick around Greg
James EdwardI would like to have all the Jews purged from the US and sent to Israel. Than we nuke israel.
BRADLEY VINCENT BarnettChristopher Cantwell has many Jewish callers/Listeners… this channel should be another show helping to bring Jewish people to fight against their corrupt Leaders.
Pesh HeadGus Russo: Supermob — how Sidney Korshak & his criminal associates became
America’s power brokers
Pesh Headfollow the $
gjjdJews just want money and status
gjjdLike Indians and Asians, but more extreme
mattrins@BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett Oh yeah, Cantwell calling them kike parasites is really
gonna bring these Jews in
James EdwardLuke please red pill Casey
James EdwardLuke is my favorite Jew
Pesh Headsecular Jews, converso’s were doing same before Holocaust
Josh AustinHey James do you speak on behalf of all loving Christians?
James EdwardJosh no
Josh AustinOh just some then I guesss
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@gjjd just read it, when they don’t describe the suspects you know it’s negroes. Finally these leftists are getting a taste of their own medicine
Aeschylus JonesJews want money but more importantly they want the power that comes with the money…
Josh AustinWho doesnt?
Pesh Headand never once think what part they played in this hostility
mattrinsLuke – therein lies the problem. Is there any conflict between Jews and non-Jews that Jews
blame the Jews for? The answer is no.
marmalade hoverflythey’re moon people christians are sun people
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@mattrins The Alt-Right does NOT need any Jewish ‘members.’ But
it would be nice if they could organize themselves to Leave us the fuck alone.
James EdwardBradley is right
johnnie anonmost of it is exaggerated to put it mildly, just a way for elite jews to keep control
Pesh Headthey did kill yeshua lol
Josh AustinHey Pesh if Jesus didnt get killed by the Jews, then what should have happened to Jesus?
Pesh HeadI don’t really give a shit tbh
James EdwardCasey please wake up. You need to swallow the red pill not the pink one.
Josh AustinIsnt his “sacrifuce” what Christianity is supposed to be all about?
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?The Holocaust is the lynchpin of our current malaise. Germar Rudolf and others have paved the way
mattrinsSure – Pro-white Jews can be “allies”. We will treat them like the PoC treat their “white allies”
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?forward
Pesh Headbut Jews do celebrate the fact
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?34 watching, damn
Josh AustinCelebrate what fact?
Untethered Tubethe numbers go up when I don’t talk
Pesh Headthat they killed Jesus and he’s boiling in faeces
James EdwardYes we are.
Josh AustinPesh – Jews dont give a f*ck about that
mattrinsThe horrifying thing about “the holocaust” is not that it didn’t happen, but that it reveals the level of psychological projection affecting Jews. It means that they will gas us.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Dennis correlation or causation? LOL
gjjdGreat take home point, Caleb, our identity and desire to promote our interests needs to be unconcious
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Untethered Tube …..YEP!
James EdwardTheses conversations are better than going to church on Sundays.
Pesh HeadWhy they spit on priests in Jerusalem, why their Talmud celebrate it. Jews hate
Christianity with a passion
Untethered TubeI’m going to see if we can get to 50
gjjd”principles over interests,” I argue, is not just Anglo-Saxon. It is the nature or morality itself.
Anglos just were more philosophically advanced than others
johnnie anoni want to see a movie about the bolsheviks genociding goys
James EdwardJohnnie is right
Greg GirardinSomebody edit @Luke Ford ‘s genius pills in this vid into a little clip.. maybe I will.
God damn, this is stuff I didn’t learn until I was 45.
Pesh HeadJuri Lina – under the sign of the scorpion
Untethered TubeSorry Brad, coming in hard in a minute.
Untethered TubeStalin wasn’t even native Russian
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?he was Georgian
Pesh Headhe out Jewed the Jews
James EdwardI feel that communism was developed by Jews as a tool to brake up the political system that they don’t belong too? Am I wrong?
mattrinsJews can control the thesis – antithesis – and synthesis by taking all sides on an issue. Think on the number of times that you have turned on the TV to see 4 Jews taking different sides of a debate
johnnie anongo to admit stalin did kill the top hebrews in the end
Josh AustinPesh – ask a Jew if theyve even heard about that and most will not even know – so much murder and abuse has occurred to the Jews at the hands of Christians –
Josh Austinyou dont think politics are a factor more so than theology?
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Untethered Tube …. Please feel free to NOT HOLD BACK!
mummylambsI can see Dennis prepping the Zyklon
Pesh HeadReally? so much? why so much hostility, did they ever stop and ask? kinda unprecedented. how many countries is it, 120?
James EdwardCasey come on man
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@mummylambs Hahahahaha
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Luke is Greg coming on or what?
Untethered TubeGreg is a no-show so far
Josh AustinWell Pesh - ever heard of racism? Ask a black person
Greg GirardinWho is Greg? Greg Johnson?
Pesh HeadOf course it was politics, economics. Ukrainian peasants never read the talmud
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Greg Conte from NPI
Greg GirardinThanks Pepe.
Untethered TubeGreg Conte, recently fired for involvement in alt right
johnnie anonis that the gay greg
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Johnnie is thinking of Grinder Greg Johnson
Josh AustinPesh – you need to repent to G-d for your hatred
Pesh HeadI’m not saying it was just religion. Martin Luther was pro-Jewish most his life until he was finally red pilled
mattrins@johnnie anon No, its not Grindr Greg
James EdwardPepe hahh
johnnie anonphew
mummylambsThere seems to be not nearly as much push back when it comes to openly criticizing
gypsies as a group
Josh AustinMartin Luther was a raging anti-semite
Pesh HeadNo hate braddah, just realistic
James EdwardGoyim
Pesh Headyes but why was he
mattrins@Pesh Head He was pro-Jewish until he actually got to know some Jews and learn Hebrew. After that he wrote “The Jews and their lies”
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Untethered Tube and I bet it will work out great beyond his imagination….. THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY
Yehoishophot OliverHi
Luke FordGeorge Soros breaks nation-states apart and makes money doing it.
Luke Fordhi rabbi
Pesh Headexactly Mattrins
gjjdlet’s make sure to point out that Jewish kids are INCREDIBLY confident. They love being the
center of attention, and people follow them, from my experience
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Rabbi shalom, it’s been awhile
Yehoishophot Oliver😃
Yehoishophot OliverI came to learn love
Luke Fordgreat
Josh Austinbecause like most cultures they were angry that Jews were successful on their terms – thats always been the reason for antisemitism
gjjdwe are definitely nothing but love here, no antipathy here
Pesh Headthey were just jealous right
Yehoishophot OliverJews in Israel have the same tendency to be overly “moral” at their own expense vis-a-vis arabs
Pesh Headnever been other successful people like Heugenots. 120 countries ffs, jealousy?
mattrins@Josh Austin Not true. For example, the anti-Goy sections of the Talmud also resulted in anti-Jewish sentiment, to the extent that Talmuds were legally revised to remove those sections in the past
gjjdagree Rabbi re Israel, this is not just an Anglo thing, it is morality itself. Morals are by nature imperatives, you are supposed to follow them even when it hurts
Josh AustinMattrins you think Hitler gave a f*ck about the Talmud? Please
James EdwardYep 👍🏻
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Luke Ford There is definitely no hate on here, but we’re more interested in FACTS. If ‘facts’ means Love, then yes
Josh Austinotr are you a Holocaust denier too?
johnnie anonwho thought of “white privilege”
Pesh HeadHitler just experienced Weimar Germany. That seemed to be enough
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Luke Ford …. let’s learn about ‘Love’
gjjdAny black person in America will look at whites and see privilege, especially back in the day when tv and movies were more white normative
James EdwardLuke is right.
Pesh HeadTragic history repeats itself — Weimerica
johnnie anonshit all women must be the same
mattrins@Josh Austin talking about the history. Not going to engage in Hitlerium ad absurdum
Pesh HeadWeisrael
James EdwardHe probably knows you see a jew.
Josh AustinSo Pesh are you saying that Jesus would have approved of the Holocause?
Yehoishophot OliverI agree, Jews in Israel are greatly influenced by these Anglo self-destroying values
johnnie anonutopia x is a good book
Pesh HeadI’m no Christian braddah
mummylambsThe Goyim’s revenge! Hail Greg Conte!
Greg GirardinNo, not showing up is not priorities. It’s being a dick.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?I agree with Luke, Greg should at least give a shout to cancel
Daniel Sturridgewhen’s greg ritter coming?
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?He’s not ^
Pesh HeadBut I doubt he’d have been happy. turn the other cheek n all that
mattrinsProfessor Kevin MacDonald points out that Jews will generally not admit that there are conflicts of interests between Jews and non-Jews (because its an insoluble problem)
James EdwardCasey your childhood friend betrayed you. Gas him. Hahah
Aeschylus JonesInvite Brother Nathaniel Kepner on
gjjdYou have to develop your Jewdar. For example, I knew immediately steve miller was jewish just by looking at him
Greg Girardinhaha.. as a kid I remember the “yellow stars” thing. Thought it was insane. Now I get it.
Yehoishophot OliverI saw Pinker–it was great for a lefie
mattrins@Josh Austin Define the holocaust
James EdwardGreg me too. Hahah
Daniel SturridgeOne of the reasons i became redpilled was because I had a friend from basketball and football who was a kang
Greg GirardinPinker is pretty honest for a jewish academic. I like him.
johnnie anonhe forgot to say the institutions hide the truth
Josh AustinWow Mattrins - I guess that question says it all
James EdwardWhat is kang
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Daniel real life is quickly red pilling whites more than we think IMHO
johnnie anonand lie
mattrinsIf you think a “yellow star” is insane, just think of how useful a yellow star would be when you see someone write “fellow white people” on Twitter
mattrinsAlthough the blue checkmark is close to a yellow star these days
Greg GirardinWhich genocide is it illegal to deny? Armenian? Holodomor? Rwandan?
Pesh HeadHistory can’t be summed up in one marketing label
johnnie anonyou are coming thru good
Daniel Sturridgeone thing the kang told me was that all white people have monkey blood. ‘rh blood.’ it seems true
Josh AustinActually it can
Aeschylus JonesAsk Henry Macow to be on…a redpilled jew
mummylambsPinker still probably knows we are right, but will at least help to elevate the level of discussion from simply calling someone a “raycisss” to actually making an argument.
mattrins@Josh Austin I can’t agree to something that lacks a definition. Are you talking human soap, shrunken heads and lampshades here? Because that was what I was taught growing up
Pesh Headlike ‘al nakba’?
Josh AustinI never heard about the shruken heads – will have to look that one up
James EdwardCasey you really need to join the Alt-Right
johnnie anonthey hate us
James EdwardThey hate us
Josh AustinMy grandfather’s family was murdered – does that count?
Pesh HeadAl nakba
johnnie anonhe’s ready for a high promotion
mattrins@Define murder. No, seriously. Were they engaged in militant activities?
BRADLEY VINCENT BarnettEurope is and always has been defacto ‘Diverse’
Josh Austinno the lived in Germany and were Jews – still not clear? Programmabilitieszog
Casey R. PrattJames the alt-right is racist!
Pesh Headwar is hell
Josh Austinas is genocide
James EdwardCasey loving your own is not racist. It is normal.
Pesh Headyep
mattrins@Josh Austin So they were gassed in the gas chambers?
Pesh Headlotta genocide in WWII
BRADLEY VINCENT Barnett@Casey R. Pratt Racist?!!! Have I been missing something?!
Pesh Headand before
Pesh Headthe allies – Europeans, Americans did fight the Nazis didn’t they?
James EdwardLuke can you tell Casey that the Alt-Right is not racist.
mummylambsNo James, it is racist, but being racist is normal and healthy
James EdwardMummy hhaha
Pesh Headmy ancestors fought Hitler braddah
Pesh HeadGrandfather in RAF
Luke FordJames, he’s kidding
James EdwardHahaha Luke is pissed.
James EdwardLuke. Ok. I figured he was trolling me. Hahah
Yehoishophot OliverLuke, I think that idea is very relevant to the immigration question
Aeschylus JonesThe alt right believes that white culture has a right to survive and is intregal to the advancement of mankind…if thats racist oh well
Pesh HeadI hate poor time keeping. waster
mummylambsCasey has taken the true redpill. He has taken the position of disagreeing with Jews no matter what hey say. Even if it initially appears to be correct
James EdwardLuke take questions from the chat.
Yehoishophot Olivermixed cultures create confusion and disappointment
Vault RightThe goy cries out as he misses ur torah talk
BRADLEY VINCENT BarnettIt’s been a GREAT STREAM… have to go. Please give me some feedback on the latest video on my channel [of the same name] Thank you, DEUS VULT
Untethered TubeThe Goy cries out in pain as he pretends to strike you
Pesh Headare wasters lol
Yehoishophot Oliverthat’s more yekke Jews than eastern european Jews
mummylambsAlt-right Torah and infowars are my main sources of Political info.
mummylambsthanks guys
James EdwardBard later
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Rabbi This. Healthy separation would alleviate much of our current problems
Yehoishophot Oliveryes I agree
Aeschylus JonesThe Andy Warski chats are good and entertaining and informative
James EdwardLuke has abandonment issues.
Luke Fordyes
Pesh HeadAlt Right used to be a big tent
James EdwardI have rejection issues.
mattrins@mummylambs I stopped watching Alex Jones when we absurdly claimed that the Ay-rabs run Hollywood
J. SmithAnswer: Becuase Frankfurt School.
Pesh Headeasy for you to say lol
mummylambsThey admittedly don’t provide good counter arguments to the Alt-right. Casey’s points today were a better critique than has been made on Warski
Greg GirardinI don’t know if Race Warski is particularly serious about all this stuff, but I respect him following his free speech principals to talk to people like JF and Spencer.
Pesh Headwhy can’t other ppl live in multicult but not me
J. SmithIt’s more about high IQ than marginality, as Steven Pinker recently noticed.
mummylambs@mattrins I was kidding. I rarely watch alex anymore. He still holds a special place for me though. I will never disavow
James EdwardGreg are you Alt-Right?
Pesh Head”some” — been to Londonistan lately
Vault RightCasey- because losing your ancestral land is a really bad thing
Greg GirardinHi James. Yes.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?boring is good, trust me
James EdwardGreg you the man 👍🏻
J. SmithThe synthesis is the Coundehove-Kalergi plan – a multiracial, brownish, 90 IQ people to be ruled over by Jews.
mattrinsBenefits from other races only accrue when these others do not set the tone. That means limited numbers, no citizenship, clear limitations, etc
Pesh Headit’s a bit more than “some” multicult, it’s a fckn invasion
James EdwardGreg what state do you live in?
Pesh Head#TheGreatReplacement
James EdwardThe Great Awakening
James EdwardYep 👍🏻
Greg Girardin@James Edward New Hampshire.
Pesh Headblood&soil
James EdwardWe have to fight
J. SmithThose behaviors (monoracial societies) are pathological in Whites but not minority races or Jews – according to the Jews that wrote The Authoritarian Personality.
James EdwardGreg. Nice I am from Southern California aka Northern Mexico
James EdwardLuke is right.
Aeschylus Jonesmulticulturalism doesn’t work period…its never worked anywhere at anytime
James EdwardDoes Denise have kids? If not than why not?
Greg GirardinYes. Tolerating gays is ok, tolerating degeneracy is degenerate.
James EdwardAeschylus is right
Sarah BenoitIf it there isn’t an ethno state there is no future.
johnnie anonthe jews always push it too far in the end and we always regain equilibrium, no matter how many low iqs they import together we are unbeatable
Sarah BenoitDiversity is not a destiny.
Aeschylus Jones90% white 10% other
J. SmithLuke: “I think the advantages of homogeneity are perfectly obvious” then we need to discuss how is it exactly that the left can seemingly win the discussion despite obviousness.
Pesh HeadRobert Putnam — Diversity & Trust
Luke Fordit’s all unmarried hipsters who don’t have children that thrive in cosmopolitan areas — everyone who has children wants a suburb. We need to make family the dominant paradigm.
Greg Girardin@James Edward I bet places like San Diego are awesome, but CA is the poster child for shitlib policies destroying a paradise.
mattrinsThe early zionists forced Jews to become farmers specifically because Jews refused to do so
James EdwardLuke is right. Great comment
Pesh HeadBowling alone — America’s declining social capital — Robert Putnam
J. SmithLuke: “everyone who has children wants a suburb” I see increasingly more people having children and leaving them on daycare while both parents work. they are creating the next generation of leftists
J. Smithwork in the city, I mean.
mattrins@Luke Ford I would bet that having a family with young children also correlates to lack of
tolerance for homos and trannies
James EdwardGreg it is bad. All my brothers want to move out of here. Whites became a minority in California in 2013.
Aeschylus JonesI live in Cali and it gets steadily worse year by year…its big brother central and poisonous to the rest of the states
James EdwardYep Jones.
gjjdfamily is a tacky thing for dumb goys who can’t do interesting things with ourselves
James EdwardCasey is right.
Grunteaterhey guys
Pesh HeadCos they’re children
J. Smithin NYC many liberal parents are both working parents who leave their kids on daycare or dayschool and only see them at night.
James EdwardGrun are you Alt-Right?
Aeschylus JonesI love being next to the ocean but most of the states next to the ocean are teeming with lefties
Greg GirardinWell James, at least northern CA isn’t turning into Mexico. It’s turning into China / India.
mattrinsMuh good schools!
GrunteaterCassie is more handsome with hair grown as opposed to shaven
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?family requires self-sacrifice, introspection and long-term thinking. The current paradigm encourages the exact opposite
mummylambsWow Casey. You are a disgusting human being
James EdwardGreg. Ya you can’t win here if you are white.
J. SmithUnfortunately some Whites have even been convinced that they can raise their children by seeing them only at night and letting them grow up with other kids in daycare/school.
James EdwardDaniel is right.
Pesh HeadIn my area I see kids on way to swimming pool & it’s spot the white kid
J. SmithCasey, I wish you were right that white parents would instinctively seek the suburbs but unfortunately that is not what I see.
mummylambsMichael Savage always used to say Families are the building block of civilization
GrunteaterThe Rabbi’s always conversates with other bachurim (Bachelors) when I’m at the Shabbat table but she ignores me and pays me no attention
Pesh Headchild abuse sending kid into multicult school
Greg GirardinJames, my last job was a 40% Indian SV company based out of Santa Clara. Great people, but I don’t want to be demographically replaced by them.
mattrinsHow many white women really are taking up with black men though? I have seen it, but I have asked many white women and virtually all have denied that they would **** a black guy
Pesh Headfat white women
GrunteaterThe most she does is offer cholent when I could easily get it myself
James EdwardMy grandma told me back in the day they had segregated pools. Black not allowed. That would be so cool to live in that society
mummylambsI’m sure if you framed the question in another way they would say they would date a black guy. They don’t want conflict with
johnnie anonhow much holocaust education are you subjected to in america
mattrinsWhen I was overseas there were white people calling black Africans “African American”. Its retarded
Pesh Headteachers for the rope lol
James EdwardGirls that I know that have black boyfriend do it to piss there parents off
Greg GirardinStay at home wife + homeschooling.
mummylambsI would disown
NyandUsaPoliticsi found this channel somehow 2 days ago watching jewish 911 conspiracy
GrunteaterShe is always looking so attentively to my friend who I leave anonymous. He is two years older than me, is from a multi miillainore dollar family (Just like her) is a university graduate and is curren
Pesh Headthere a lot of it near me but in a way I don’t blame these girls. so many soy boys these days
GrunteaterAnd is currently studying in one of the top yeshivahs in the world to become a Rabbi
James EdwardNy hahah. Luke will red pill you.
gjjdwhite males in cities are hard to distinguish from gay men
GrunteaterI will never forgive her for Simi fishing me
Pesh Headexactly gjjd
NyandUsaPoliticsi already know all this stuff but just hes chatting i guess
James EdwardCasey is right.
mummylambsBlack masculinity (or really non-white masculinity) is acceptable. White masculinity is “toxic”.
GrunteaterI can’t wait till I love from this neighborhood and will never see her again EVER
Aeschylus JonesBlonde in the Belly of the Beast has a good vid about the slim pickins when it comes to white women
James EdwardMummy is right
Pesh Headwhite men have a lot to answer for too. the traitors I hate most
NyandUsaPoliticsi am a gradute student so i cant protest of i will get kicked out of college, im in statistics 500 level
gjjdbc what is masculinity anyways? It is certainly related to dominance, and can whites dominate
anymore? If so, what do we do once we dominate? Confidently serve non-whites a la Trudeau?
gjjd…we dominate to serve? Oxymoron!
James Edward(((Pro diversity)))
NyandUsaPoliticsall internships ask are you a woman, black or underrepresented group, If answer is no you are white you get no job
gjjd…therefore, no masculinity for white males
mattrinsI don’t know what the names of the people on the stream are except for Luke, but the guy with the glasses obviously hasn’t heard of Wakanda, the black African advanced country
mummylambsYeah, I guess we are just bored, and unconsciously creating a bad situation to give ourselves a challange
Untethered TubeI’m emigrating to Wakanda. As soon as it becomes real
Sarah Benoitthey have seized the language
mummylambsAnyone else notice Casey’s argument’s are better when he has the blanket?
mattrins@Untethered Tube Its as real as the holocaust. If you believe it, its real
Untethered TubeIf you believe, it is not a dream, as the man said
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@mummy 😆
Pesh HeadTheir reaction to Trump is unhinged
James EdwardWe win by fighting them until the death
GrunteaterSo many Jews died because of Judaism
gjjdThe left wins because of my earlier comments about morality. Morality is about doing what’s
right even when you don’t want to, even when it hurts
GrunteaterIf it weren’t for Judaism , those Jews wouldn’t have been tortured and raped and murdered
gjjd…therefore, sacrifice feels EXTREMELY GOOD. It seems like such a great moral deed
Aeschylus JonesIf the blacks had followed Booker T Washington instead of W E Dubois we probably wouldnt have this discussion right now
Sarah BenoitYou have to understand the white non-Jewish left hate themselves, and hate their group. They feel excluded from it.
James EdwardLuke talk about Trumps comments about shithole countries.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Jones or Marcus Garvey
Pesh HeadThe left is about nihilism, virtue signalling. half of them don’t even mean it
johnnie anonyou sacrifice other white people
Sarah BenoitThey can’t conform to its standards
James EdwardSarah is right. I graduated college and I hated being white.
Pesh HeadBarbara Spectre — shudder lol
Aeschylus Jonesyes Pepe…either would have been better…but it seems that blacks have always taken the easiest way out instead of working on their communities
GrunteaterThe Rabbi had asked me to sit at the opposite head of the table. He said that way he can see me smile.
J. SmithRight!
GrunteaterObviously my relatio ship with him is radically different for. his wife
James EdwardRight
Pesh Headoy vey, Trump talks like a working class, uneducated white man
James EdwardPesh it’s awesome hahah
James EdwardWe won’t let them do it. White pride world wide
Pesh Headhail victory
GrunteaterThis show is my only true home
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?actually, Oprah as President would be great cause the red pills would be taken by the millions overnight
NyandUsaPoliticsanti-white racism is a power-transfer and wealth grab. its for power not to try to make equality
Aeschylus JonesTrump opened up the immigration discussions to show he was willing to negotiate. and the dems took the bait and rejected his offer so Trump showed the world you can’t reason with lefties
mummylambsSeal called out Oprah for helping to facilitate the abuse of goyim women at the hands of Weinstein
James EdwardI got my guns and body armor and food supplies ready.
Pesh HeadHarry Potter Cloak
johnnie anononce there are millions of alt right the counter revolution begins
Pesh HeadNow
J. Smith100%
James EdwardJohnnie is right.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Casey it’s over, but we can raise the next generation to be based so
that in 100 years those people will live in our former childhood
James EdwardThe Alt Right is building.
J. SmithCasey: Exactly.
J. SmithRight now.
James EdwardNow!!
johnnie anonwhenever you are ready
Sarah BenoitIt should have happened years ago
Pesh Head mature democracy is a shit show
Luke FordI started the show talking about the shithole comments
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Sofort!
mummylambsWhat areas of the Military are the most white? The people shooting the guns
James EdwardLuke ok I missed that. I will rewatch
johnnie anonthankfully most of the best military are still white
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?I often wonder what the avg white man in the military thinks about our
current cultural revolution
mummylambsAll the pics of special ops that I see are almost always exclusively white
Sarah Benoityeah blacks too dumb for that
johnnie anononce the revolution starts the white military will put them in fema camps
James EdwardHahah
Sarah Benoita lot of the generals are corrupt
Aeschylus Jonesand its only going to get worse Casey…
mummylambs@Pepe The war room on TRS gives some of that perspective.
Pesh Headamen
mummylambsa bit extreme though lol
James EdwardYep Luke is right.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Thanks mummy, maybe I’ll give it a listen
johnnie anonby the time it starts the real military will be itching to go
Yehoishophot Oliverluke you’re using some license there
Pesh Headregarding military, ‘the war room’ podcast, TRS is a good veteran Alt Right podcast
Yehoishophot Oliver😃
johnnie anonit does
James EdwardGood point Luke
Yehoishophot Oliverany country that legalizes gay marriage is the real s-hole
mummylambsI haven’t listened in a while, but they created the “White Sharia” meme
Yehoishophot Oliveryup
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?@Rabbi literally 😆
Pesh Headalthough they came up with #WhiteSharia meme, extreme shit posters
Aeschylus Jonesmajor events in history have always come from a unified minority with courage
johnnie anonyep
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?^ This
Yehoishophot OliverSSM is a sign of complete disaster for all of a civilization
Pesh Headlol mummy. but they got some good US military stories, how pozzed it’s getting
johnnie anonpursuit of mental illness
NyandUsaPoliticsare these americans or brittish people
James EdwardLuke is right. That is Alt Right perspective
gjjdLuke is from Australia, everyone else America
mummylambsyeah Pesh. It’s definitely entertaining
James EdwardHail Victory
J. SmithLuke: yes, I agree. The purpose of continuing one’s nation should be more explicit in the law. It is in Mexico, right in their constitution.
johnnie anonsounds like hitler to me, all good
NyandUsaPoliticsI dont like the part about the military cou but i think we can do things non-violently
James EdwardThis is the best show on YouTube. Very powerful information
gjjdis pursuit of happiness in the constitution?
NyandUsaPoliticsam i a cuck for asking for non-violence? lol? everything has to be extreme and have a “sting” or im a pussy or cuck i guess
Pesh HeadHitler gave fascism a bad name
NyandUsaPoliticsthe fbi will just shoot you like the farmers in oregon, dont try it, just influence the white house and the alt-right have good influence and a big brand name now
johnnie anonthe press gave hitler a bad name
James EdwardNy you are a cuck.
GrunteaterLuke, why can’t Jews see the appeal of Hitler? Why can’t they listen to his speeches while pretending the holocaust didn’t happen
Greg GirardinIndividualism is great in a monoculture.
Pesh Headhe made it pretty easy for them tho
GrunteaterPersonally, I’m not convinced the holocaust happened
James EdwardHahaha. Hail Victory 1488
mummylambs@Gjjd it’s a Will Smith movie (something that carries more importance than our constitution)
gjjdwe need to interpret these ideals of the establishment of America in historical context. These founders were thinking about serfdom and stuff, their thoughts were coming from a different place
NyandUsaPoliticsfascism = don’t vote and go with leadership principle. Thats a bad idea because whites will oppress other whites eventually with fascism even if you take nonwhites out at first
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?NS was considerably different from Italian fascism
Pesh HeadJews were exterminated in numbers but not like Hollywood version
Pesh HeadI doubt Auschwitz had gas Chambers. Treblinka, maybe
James EdwardCan we have fascism and still have constitution
johnnie anonwhites wont oppress you cuz you wont be here
johnnie anonkeep the guns, whites only
Sarah BenoitFascism did nothing wrong
J. Smithit came from The Authoritarian Personality I think
Pesh Headthat’s what Golden Dawn do
NyandUsaPoliticsjohhnie wtf you talking about?
Pesh Headfeed white homeless ppl, provide white services
GrunteaterThe holocaust is a lie, wake up goyim
Untethered TubeHI Grunt
James EdwardGrun is right
johnnie anonif people werent brainwashed as kids thru the media there would be no drug addiction
NyandUsaPoliticsguys if you want fascism something is wrong with you all
Pesh Headopioid epidemic was targeted at white ppl
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?Mussolini was an ex-Commie
J. SmithSalazar in Portugal was not anti-semitic
Untethered Tube Neither was Franco, who was descended from conversos
James EdwardJews
Pesh HeadBritain definitely lost
J. SmithWell, the Frankfurt School went back to Germany right after the war, so you know who the winners were.
NyandUsaPoliticsyou are thinking racial-socialism, I think you are using the wrong words guys
GrunteaterDale, did you know Jews glorify women who murdered their children so they wouldn’t be converted to christianity?
GrunteaterI’m nothing, ask any orthodox Jew, if they deny THEY ARE LIEING
Pesh Headbut what if they have to chose between whites & their secular brothers?
Grunteaterduring the crusades
James EdwardHahah
GrunteaterI did repeat, Jewish women during the crusades murdered their own children so they
wouldn’t be converted
James EdwardIt’s there high IQ
Pesh Headorthodox & secular will work together against the goy when it suits
Pesh Headthey also opened the city gates for the Muslims in a number of places
Grunteater Orthodox Jews will glorify the murder of their weakest members
Luke Ford Casey’s stream only freezes when he criticizes Jews.
Pepe Sells but Who’s Buying?lol
James EdwardHahah
Pesh Headlol, joogle overseer’s
GrunteaterThis doesn’t bother anyone?
Untethered TubeLost connection, coming back
Untethered Tube There’s a happy merchant throttling Casey’s anti-Semitism
Untethered Tube I’m indifferent, Grunt
James EdwardGood point. The Jews look to suck off us.
Pesh Headstating the obvious
James EdwardHahah
Pesh HeadJews have said this for years. they can’t. they need hostility to retain their tribe
GrunteaterJewish women in the crusades murdered their children so they wouldn’t be converted REEE
Untethered Tubere-establishing connectin
Untethered Tubeconnnection
NyandUsaPolitics4000 jews in WTC and only 3 died because of AOl and hebrew instant messaging system.
Pesh Headand they’re all millionaires
J. SmithCasey: Excellent arguing, lol
James EdwardHahh Casey is trolling
Pesh HeadGoys are cattle
James EdwardHahaha. I love Casey
J. SmithGDP, hahaha. Casey is saying we can deconstruct Jews the same way they have done us.
Pesh Head#OpenBordersForIsrael
James EdwardHhaha
Pesh HeadChanneling Barbara Spectre
James EdwardPesh hahha
J. SmithCasey: we can start calling Jewish organizations and asking them for money for the
MultiKulti Israel foundation – and then shaming them for refusing, calling them racists etc.
NyandUsaPoliticswhat state do these guys live
J. Smithhollow cost
Untethered TubeI’m in Oregon
NyandUsaPoliticsi am in NY if anyone wants to do a protest
Untethered TubePortland
J. SmithThey got 273,023 of them
Pesh Headreparations lol, good luck with that
johnnie anoncasey go to the bottom of the class
Pesh HeadThey can’t even stay in Israel ffs
NyandUsaPoliticswell i think everyone should specialize in 1 thing about the alt-right rather than talking about general type stuff
sevenqk0k1m0why are the jews so deadset on destroying everything that’s beautiful innocent and fragile?
James EdwardHahah. Casey is right again
Pesh Headevolutionary strategy — Kevin MacD
NyandUsaPoliticsIsraeli jews are more radical then american jews, and lower class jews are lower class to the elitist jews. I learned that i think from this channel
James EdwardCasey is my new favorite
Luke FordActs 7:22: Moses was learned in all the lore of the Egyptians…
Pesh HeadAbrahamic cucks
James EdwardYa Casey hail Victory
Pesh HeadAbraham pimped his wife or sister? to pharaoh ffs
James EdwardThis is getting good.
Aeschylus JonesIsrael has a high rate of homosexuality
Untethered Tube Judaism is the theory and practice of a self-proclaimed master race
GrunteaterJewish women in the crusades murdered their children during the crusades….I will not
stop exposing them
James EdwardJews are just slaves.
Pesh HeadChristians shld have dumped the old testament
Sarah BenoitJews are one half of God in Judaism
Aeschylus JonesWho do you think you are Mr. Big Schnozz?
Pesh HeadMossad lightening strike
Pesh HeadYoung Turks
abrunettegirlthose are terrible examples. The meek shall inherit the earth
Pesh HeadWahhabism some say
Luke Fordthere is only one god and Charles Lindbergh is his prophet
Pesh Headone moon god
James EdwardRichard Spencer is a prophet
Pesh HeadWilliam Pearce thought same so created his own religion
Pesh Headhis interview with cigar was cool
James EdwardHahah
mummylambs@Luke Have any of you guys seen the new McLaughlin group. Tom Rogan (cuck) is the new host
Luke Fordno
mummylambs Neither have I. I hated Rogan as a guest
James Edward True. Good point Casey
Pesh Head all they have is NPI, counter currents, not a lot
Pesh Head Cantwell was well supported
sevenqk0k1m0how are jews so smart? they qualify as being those kind of people that do the same thing over and over expecting a different result
gjjdIs Luke the guy who hits Dennis Dale up for money?
Dennis Dale: No
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